Content Writer Vs Copywriter: How Do They Differ?

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This is a guest post by Kathy Parker.

If you’re new in the digital marketing world, you’ll probably think that a content writer and a copywriter is just the same. Uh uh! That’s a common misconception and I’m pretty sure you also commit this mistake in your first days in the world of SEO.

Who wouldn’t be? I mean, a content and a copywriter both write words that people in the SEO world put on their website, right? So what’s the difference? Are they just fancy names or they really differ?

If you’re a person who uses traditional marketing tactics in making your business succeed, then you’ll understand how they differ from each other. Here it goes:

What Is A Content Writer?

From the word itself, a content writer is the one who creates and tailor fit content to the website of the client. However, they are not just plain writers. They are the ones who create articles, blog posts, and such in a wide array of topics and making their write-ups in long-form and rich in information, usually used in search engine optimization, often called SEO.

When you’re a content writer, you are most likely to write a piece of content with consideration to meta (title and description), keywords, and the relevance of the article for people to share it to their social media profiles. As what is stated above, content writers are also known to create articles, blog posts, newspaper articles, and even feature articles in the magazine – anything that is long in form.

Being journalistic is natural to every content writer. They also have the skills in editing their own work. Since they write long-form content most of the time, it is only right to expect that their write-ups are more detailed than a regular write up written by any other writer. And when these are posted, sharing them to different social media platforms will surely be beneficial not only to the readers for the information they get but also to the website to gain more traffic.

Maybe now you’re wondering. How is that even distinct from a copywriter?

What Is A Copywriter?

A copywriter is someone who still writes content just like a content writer. However, copywriters are used as an advertising tool. They are most of the time the front line when it comes to press ad, headline, and strapline creation.

But, that doesn’t mean that copywriters are only limited to writing short-form copies. As a matter of fact, we are already seeing some copywriters transitioning to web writers, especially in the marketing industry. If this continues, it is safe to say that they will be doing the same tasks as a content writer is doing.

Copywriters are actually the ones who get all the credits for the creation and the concept of the site content and the words in the campaigns a company is running. This type of copy is usually short in form or in a way that tells a story. The main purpose of this copy is to convince a particular person or group to think of a certain object in a particular way.

Since it usually tells a story, it stirs up emotions and establishes a personal connection with the target audience, usually in a joking tone which best suits a headline or a strapline. Indeed, conciseness is crucial to a copywriter.

However, there is some limitation when it comes to the work they do.

How Do Content Writer And Copywriters Differ In Terms Of Work?

Perhaps, these two are just the same and no one can tell whose job is easier than the other. However, there are some little differences that we tend to overlook that will make a huge impact when you’re looking for the best type of writer for your business needs.

But, if you’re working in a fast-paced industry just like that in the digital marketing field, you will surely need to be well-practiced in both jobs (content writing and copywriting).

One example of these differences include the meeting of deadlines. Although it is not always the same since it varies from one task to another, content writers tend to have later deadlines than those who copywrite. Content writing requires the following of road maps, content calendars, timelines and such to produce nothing but high-quality output.

On the other hand, copywriters may be called at the last minute to create and provide an original copy. While being quick-witted and reactive should be part of these professions’ skill set, copywriters have less liberty when it comes to deadlines and content writers are providing more of a well-planned output due to the leeway that is given to them.

Copywriters do not also have the luxury of planning their workload since they are only given a limited time to complete the tasks assigned to them. However, with this kind of setup, content writers should never remove the practice of working on a tight deadline from their skill set. The same way as copywriters should never rely on deadline extension.

Moving forward, content writers and copywriters should work hand in hand to drive traffic to their client’s website, create a harmonious relationship with their customers, and to build online trust.

Therefore, even if there are some limitations to what they can do, it is only right to include them when working with a company that does website design in New York or anywhere in the US in establishing your site online. Nevertheless, since copywriters are now on the verge of incorporating creative and strategic writing to great content, it is safe to say that they can also be a good content writer with comprehensive training and experience, of course.


Since the term content writer is still in its early stage, many people in the digital world are thinking that this is just a term used in marketing as a jargon made up by copywriters themselves. However, with the division of tasks mentioned above, it is now clear what tasks each of them is doing and what are the limitations and the cross overs. Do you agree with the division of tasks? Share it down in our comment box.

Author Bio: Establishing her career in the digital age, Kathy was able to learn and practice the art and power of digital marketing. She loves moulding young minds and motivating them to go out of their comfort zone. Kathy also likes to share her ideas about ranking websites through writing.

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One Response

  1. There’s a big number of skills a copywriter today needs to possess – if he wants to be good at his job. Skills like researching, writing, editing, but also to master some aspects of project management, at least when it comes to planning and implementing marketing campaigns.
    And this comprehensive skill set is not so easy to find nor develop…