Top 10 Apps For Business Available For Your Smartphone

Online Scheduling Software

In the modern era a whole host of things can be achieved with apps. Apps are now ubiquitous and powerful tools, used by people of all age to achieve a near endless range of tasks. Apps are highly optimized for usability, taking advantage of the intuitive touchscreen systems available on almost all smartphones to give practical solutions an enjoyable, usable feel. One of the most interesting corners of the app market is business. There is an incorrect stigma about apps that their functionality is indicative of simplicity and that they aren’t helpful on a truly professional level. However, it’s pretty clear that this is a false stigma and some of the apps that are listed here should show you why business apps can be deeply useful for professionals and enthusiasts alike. So, without further ado, let’s get into it. 

  1. FreshBooks

FreshBooks are a really intuitive, easy to use accounting solution, with a particular aim towards servicing small businesses. Accounting is a complete pain at any level, but large companies usually have dedicated, in-house accountants who can handle all of that for them. FreshBooks are available on laptops naturally, but their app provides a very easy to consume breakdown of everything you need to know about your invoicing, right there in the palm of your hands.

2. Dropbox

Most of Dropbox’s practical usage will be done on your laptop or desktop. However, there are a range of benefits to having the app. “The Dropbox app is something which I personally use all the time. Occasionally, I find myself uploading things I have discovered through my phone. However, the majority of the time I use it to access files which I normally have on my laptop. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing, I can always get to my documents as long as I have my smartphone”, notes Craig Knight, software developer at WriteMyx and BritStudent. 

3. The Google Suite

All of Google’s most useful programs can be accessed via smartphone, android and not. This includes, deep breath: Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Authenticator, Gmail, Maps and Chrome. Between this intimidating list, you find yourself with an incredible selection of tools, all easily available through your smartphone device.

4. PayPal

Some of PayPal’s functionality, even its interface, is a little clunky on desktop and laptop. It can often be underwhelming and, occasionally, confusing to use it. Not so with the app. PayPal’s app is incredibly sleek, fully optimized for ease of access and use. It’s secure and it has a wonderful ability to integrate itself into your other apps in a simplified way, by which you can pay for online purchases on the fly. 

5. QuickBooks

Unsurprisingly, QuickBooks is similar to FreshBooks. A simple, well-designed accounting option for individual users and small businesses. Keep on top of your financial maneuvers as you go.

6. Fuze

Fuze is a really smart solution to the increasing flexibility of the average workplace. So often, conversations are relegated from face-to-face into some vague sense of technological communication. Fuze is a super effective conferencing tool for people to stay in touch and communicate with one another, even continuously across a day, no matter where they are. 

7. Microsoft Office Suite

“It took a while to work out the intricacies of making this collection of apps available for Apple users, but the Microsoft Office Suite apps are a godsend for a lot of professionals in a whole range of fields. They cover a huge range of options for people conducting business of all shapes and sizes and they turn your smartphone into a computer, primed with all the software you need”, advises Mark Bracknell, finance consultant at 1Day2Write and NextCoursework. The long list includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive, Skype (+for Business), OfficeLens, Yammer, Delve and MicrosoftTeams.

8. Remember The Milk

A nicely designed, smart little app with huge potential for easing stress. It has great device-wide integration and allows you to do a lot for your organization as it serves as your digital to-do list.

9. Evernote

Evernote is an extraordinarily complete note-taking tool. Just as your smartphone adapts to your environment in a flexible way, so too does Evernote, adapting to whatever format your notes come in, photos to scribbles.

10. HappyFox

HappyFox servs a niche a lot of people don’t realize is vital: remote customer service. Online businesses don’t close at five, so HappyFox has got you covered for your late-night customer service needs.


Hopefully this list has illuminated for you the extent to which you are able to conduct business from behind the interface of your mobile. A business folder on your phone containing this collection of apps will be as powerful as a room full of people working full steam ahead, so get downloading!

Joel Syder is a financial analyst and writer at OriginWritings and PhdKingdom. He enjoys helping people to learn more about self-regulation in the world of business and personal finance as well as creating his own articles about things that inspire him for AcademicBrits.

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3 Responses

  1. Mobile apps can be so helpful in conducting business. Thank you for running through these options, it was very helpful to see what was available

  2. Great list of business apps! I use many of these myself including Microsoft One Note. They really make the day to day tasks easier.

  3. Great post. Articles that have meaningful and insightful comments are more enjoyable, at least to me. It’s interesting to read what other people thought and how it relates to them or their clients, as their perspective could possibly help you in the future.